How to Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe from Pets

Your hearing aids are not only important to you but a major health risk for your dog. If they chew them apart or eat them, you won’t be the only one in trouble. Depending on what kind of battery your hearing aid uses and how much they eat, hearing aids can cause your dog to become poisoned, ill, or unable to pass the foreign object. While you should have a battle plan in case something goes wrong, it’s always better to just avoid these scenarios.

Use Your Hearing Aid Storage Case

When it comes to hearing aids, your case is your best friend. Almost all hearing aids come with a protective case, so you can slip them into your purse, bag, or drawer until you need them next. Many rechargeable hearing aids come with charging cases, so you can store your hearing aids and recharge them at the same time. Regardless of what kind of case you own, it’s vital that you use it.

Even if you don’t have a nosy puppy or dog sniffing around for chew toys, your case helps you keep track of your hearing aids. Hearing aids can be quite small, so it’s easier to find them when they’re stored together in a larger case. Your case also protects your hearing aids, so you can put them in a drawer or purse without having them rattle around or become damaged.

If a pet does get a hold of your case, there’s only a small chance that they’ll actually get at what’s inside. So, in a bad situation, your hearing aids won’t be the first thing entering your dog’s mouth.

Hearing Aid Storage

Hearing aid storage is a complex topic since everyone stores their hearing aids a little bit differently. Those that use them every day might put them on a nightstand, or within a drawer in their room. Others might put them next to the door, where they can pick them up as they leave. For those that live in a pet-free household, anywhere cool, dry, and safe is an option. However, those with pets have to take extra precautions.

Some people with pets might choose their bathrooms or a high windowsill to store their hearing aids. These aren’t good options either. The bathroom can become humid and warm, and hearing aids can get knocked into sinks. Windows typically get sunlight during the day, and storage in direct sunlight can damage your hearing aids. While it’s great to choose locations your dog cannot reach, a different location might be a better idea.

Best Storage Locations

Keeping your hearing aids safe is the first objective. Making sure you can find them easily and not forget them is the second. Here are some recommendations to help you choose a storage location for your hearing aids.

• Nightstand drawer. If you don’t allow your pets into your room unsupervised, you can also leave them on the nightstand. Those that sleep with their pets might need to take the extra step and put them in the drawer, however.

• Jewelry box. For women that change their earrings or jewelry every day, this is a great option. It’s safe, and some jewelry boxes have locking functions as well.

• Sock drawer. Many of us wear socks every day, and this is a cool, dry place to put your hearing aids. When you go to retrieve your socks, your hearing aids will be easy to remember.

• On tall dressers or shelves. While some dressers might be within paw or snout height of many dog breeds, tall dressers and shelves can be a great storage location. If you own a small dog, this is perfect. Those with tall breeds like greyhounds, Great Danes, and other large dogs might need to choose a more enclosed location, though.

Hearing Aid Battery Disposal

As mentioned above, hearing aid batteries can be harmful to dogs, especially lithium-ion batteries. If you use rechargeable hearing aids, you should dispose of your old hearing aids according to the lithium-ion recycling guidelines. Never throw a lithium-ion battery in the trash.

As for those who use disposable batteries, you should focus on getting the hearing aid batteries out of reach. You should never throw loose batteries in the trash, as dogs are notorious trash-diggers. Even if you put the trash outside, stray animals and other dogs can come across them & swallow them. Instead, gather them up in a jar or Tupperware and find a local recycling location.

What to Do In Case Of An Emergency

If your worst nightmare does come true and your dog does eat your hearing aids, it’s important to act responsibly. Your dog cannot feel concern for themselves, so you have to do it for them. Don’t punish your dog; they won’t understand why they’re being struck or yelled at. Instead, take the leftover remains away from them, and try to determine what they actually ate. If the hearing aids have only been slobbered on, wipe them off and place them in a dehumidifier. You can have them looked at later.

If your dog has eaten the battery or parts of the hearing aid, call your veterinarian. They can give you guidance on how to proceed, and help you figure out if you need to make a visit. While you might feel upset or angry with your dog, try to remember that your hearing aids can be replaced, but your dog will only be on this earth once.